About Us
Oru Media & Associates
About Oru Media
What we offer: Advertising & Promotion, Marketing & Logistics, cooperative, Agro Services, Business Development Advisory Partnership and Media Publication (www.newsdotafrica.com)

Our Associates are made up of Individuals, Corporate Bodies and NGO's

Alhaji Ibrahim Aliyu
Alhaji Ibrahim Aliyu is CEO/ MD of Rocky Diamonds Resourcery Limited, He is a member of the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON), Outdoor Advertising Association of Nigeria (OAAN) and also, the Chairman of the Advertising Practitioners Association Abuja Chapter (APPAC). Ibrahim is a Facilitator of Oru Media & Associates

Grace Ojo
GRACE IBIRONKE OJO is a Creative Adviser with Oru Media & Associates with over 12 years’ experience in the print and electronic media industry, Marketing Communications, Advertising and branding strategist Business idea developer Fashion entrepreneur, with over 20 years experience in retailing and merchandising of fashion items. She is the founder of HOPE Foundation, Principal Partner Gramatino Nigeria Limited, Creative Designer-Grazee Stitches, Senior Advert Manager- Leadership Newspapers Abuja. She has a Masters degree in Public Policy and Administration. She has also attended several professional courses on Entrepreneurship, Fashion, Peace Keeping and Combatting Human Trafficking. Contact: 08035054444, grazee2@yahoo.com

Gift Olivia Samuel
Gift Olivia Samuel (Mrs) is a graduate of Mass Communication from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and also holds an M.Sc in Mass Communication from the National Open University of Nigeria. Mrs. Gift was a Journalist with Oru Media & Associates (publishers of News Dot Africa), from 2015, contributed her quota to the success of the organisation, before she moved on in 2019 to establish Brookesphere Nigeria Limited, publishers of The Sight News, a platform which she has ridden on to visit countries like Denmark, Sweden, China and Cameroon. She is presently an Editorial Adviser with Oru Media & Associates. She is also a member of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR). You can contact her via email on giftoliviasamuel@gmail.com

Mr. Oru Leonard
Mr Oru Leonard Oru is the Managing Partner, Oru Media & Associates, and n Media practice, Advertising, Sales Promotion and Business Development. He is a member of the Editorial Team of Abuja Transport and Aviation Correspondents Association Magazine (ATACA Journal), NIgeria Institute of Management (NIM), and Advertising Practitioners Council of NIgeria (APCON), as Fellow designate. He has served as marketing and business development advisor to some organisations and have consulted for companies in the Pharmaceuticals, Media, Hospitality, Education, Finance, Food and Beverage sectors and different parts of the country. In the Media, he has worked with several media houses including, Time Nigeria Magazine, ABU Alumni Magazines and online news outfits namely; Security Monitor, The Street Reporter, the Sight News and and is currently the publisher of NEWS DOT AFRICA. Contact: 08022426520/ 09058681011. Email: oruleonard50@gmail.com
Get in touch
Suite 001, Technical Floor Bolingo Hotel & Towers, Area 10, Garki Abuja FCT
Contact Us
Phone : +234 802 242 6520
+234 905 868 1011
Email : orumedia@gmail.com